Check broadband availability at your new postcode

Before making any decisions, check what broadband services are available at your next address. Some areas may not have access to the same providers or speeds as your current home. Simply enter your new address into our postcode checker and see the deals available to you.

Cancelling or switching broadband

If you’ve checked your new postcode only to discover you can’t take your current provider with you, you have no choice really but to switch.

Fine if you are out of contract, but if you are still tied into an existing contract and have several months to go this could mean paying a cancellation fee. However, we’d advise talking directly with your provider if this is the case, as it’s not your fault that they aren’t able to reach you with its infrastructure. Virgin Media, for example, no longer charges an early disconnection fee if customers move to an area that is off-net.

So, whether you are switching because you are out of contract and want to save money, or because you can’t continue with your current provider, use our tool to compare different broadband options in your new area.

Who are the current owners with?

If you are renting you could find out the current broadband in place from the landlord and what it’s like.

Or if you are buying, the property information form – or TA6 form – that your seller would have filled in and you should have received from your conveyancing solicitor, should have the details of the broadband and telecom company that the current homeowner is already signed up with. You might want to add this provider into the mix when you are researching. Although don’t just assume they are the best.

Choose the best broadband for your new home

The best deal for your household isn’t always the cheapest. Budget is an important factor, but don’t make the mistake of just picking the lowest price available. If you are using your broadband regularly every day the lowest price package might not cover your needs.

Speed is the most important factor for most. Too slow and you’ll struggle. Too fast and you’ll be paying for a service you don’t actually need.

The range of speeds available is huge, although these might not necessarily all be within reach of your postcode. There’s everything from the most basic 10Mbps to ultrafast fibre with lightening speeds of over 1000Mbps.

How to find your perfect broadband speed.

Moving your current provider to a new address

If you are happy with your current broadband provider and they offer a service at your next address you can transfer to your new home. Most providers offer a home move service that allows you to transfer your connection to a new address simply by going online. If you choose this option, remember:

Give plenty of notice

Every provider varies, but most require between 2 and 4 weeks notice to schedule and transfer your move. You’ll need to give your new address and moving date.

Think about an upgrade

Moving house is a good time to review your broadband, telephone and TV. You can stay with the same provider but maybe your new house has access to better speeds, so consider upgrading.

Take your equipment with you

If you choose to keep your existing package, you’ll need to take your equipment with you to your new home. So make sure that any routers, modems and mesh systems get packed along with you, too.

Schedule an engineer if needed

Whether you need an engineer when moving homes depends on the type of broadband connection you're wanting at your new address. If you're moving to a property with the same type of connection and network already installed, you should just be able to plug in your router. But if you're switching to a new type – full fibre for example – you will usually need an engineer to install the necessary cabling.

Will I be without broadband when I first move in?


If you are just a) transferring your provider to a new address b) the home already has the necessary cabling in place c) you’ve told them the move date nice and early in advance, in theory you should be able to just plug in your router and get online with no problem.

However, we know it’s not always that easy. Giving a move date can be tricky, especially if you are buying a home. Often you’ll only know the exact completion date once you exchange. But sometimes this can be on the same day and very sudden.

You might need an engineer too. And this date might not be on the same day –or you might not want it to be on the same day – as your moving in date.

How can I get internet while waiting for installation?

If you do need internet in your new home while waiting for your broadband to be installed or transferred, the easiest option is probably to get a mobile broadband connection as a temporary service.

Mobile broadband

Rather than fixed fibre-optic cables or a Wi-Fi network, mobile broadband just needs a 4G or 5G signal to deliver your broadband. This can be a great way to stay online whilst you are waiting for your home internet to be set up.

You can access mobile broadband through various devices, including mobile Wi-Fi router hotspots (MiFi), data-only SIM cards, routers with sims, or dongles that plug into your laptop. Most of the big broadband operators – Three, EE, 02 and Vodafone – offer mobile broadband deals through one-month rolling contracts, 12 and 24-month terms.

Some broadband providers will even offer mobile broadband as a backup connection as part of your move home service and will provide you with a mini mobile hub that works as a router at no extra charge. Check with your provider to find out more.

Speak to the seller

If you are buying rather than renting, it might also be worth seeing if the seller can help. When the seller of the house you’re moving into ends their broadband contract, the service will stay running for a few more weeks. Your seller may be willing to leave the router in situ, along with the password, for you to access for the remaining period. Speak to the estate agent to ask them to liaise with the seller and see if this would be possible.

Setting up broadband in your new home doesn’t have to be stressful. By planning ahead, comparing deals, and scheduling your installation early, you can hopefully have a smooth transition without unnecessary delays.

If you’re moving soon, start comparing broadband options today to find the best service for your new home.